Upcoming events

On Thursday the 28th of November 2019 we will host a 'Members & friends' year end drink. On Wednesday the 29th of January 2020 our next N2WE event will take place; 'The Power of Lis...

Workshop 'Intercultural Sensitivity'

The Dutch are direct

Surinamese are always late

The Chinese are shy

On the 19th of September we had our second N2WE event. This time we were honored to welcome Raya Nunez, lecturer in Intercultural Management at Sorbonne University Paris and Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and author of the book ‘Intercultural Sensitivity’ together with her husband Carlos Nunez, engineer and co-author of the book.

During the evening, Raya gave an interactive and engaging workshop on the topic of intercultural sensitivity and multicultural dream teams. She and her husband challenged stereotypes by making us aware of our often unconscious assumptions and biases and revealed how awareness of the advantages of cultural differences can achieve multicultural high performing teams. Over the course of the workshop, Raya helped us become aware of the uniqueness of our own culture and teached us how to see our culture as a valuable resource. Moreover, she touched upon what it feels like to be the 'token': the only 'different' person in a setting, e.g. non-native in a native setting or the only women in a group of men.

We were very happy to welcome so many (new) people, and very much enjoyed the diversity of the group; men, women, native and non-native!

Got curious? Contact us on info@n2we.net if you want to know more!